
2014年12月2日 星期二

[NR婚禮] 聖誕快樂 婚禮成長影片大回顧 story clips at our Wedding

Merry Christmas!

2014 竟然又要結束了!時間真是過太快。當初因為在美國辦溫馨小婚禮,所以我在台灣的許多親友很遺憾的沒有辦法參加。暌違兩年,我和RCS終於可以再度回台灣了。雖然時間非常短促,不過還是很開心。因為有限的時間,想要多多陪陪N爸N媽,N姐一家外加N家新成員,小波妞,所以可能無法一一拜訪大家,但是祝福大家新年快樂!今年聖誕節,因為RCS媽媽說他要我們的放大結婚相片當聖誕禮物,所以我們又拿出因為太忙而忘記複習的婚禮相片和影片。找出了婚禮上的成長錄影帶還有我們認識的故事,竟然又看了好多次。在這裡和當初沒辦法參加的大家分享。希望在我們雙方的家人都可以多認識我們一些!

I cannot believe that 2014 is almost over. For this year's Christmas, RCS's mom asked for our wedding photo on canvas as part of her surprise. So RCS and I review almost all pictures in order to pick the best one out for her. We also found the three clips we made for the wedding, RCS's story, My story, and Our Story. (Those clips are sort of a Taiwanese Wedding tradition.)

Our wedding was small and cozy, however,  many of my family couldn't fly oversea to attend the wedding and so did some of RCS's family. We are so happy that we are going back to Taiwan after two long years and I put up these three clips for our family and friends. Hopefully, these clips can help them know more about RCS and I.


The clips have English and Chinese subtitles. Please excuse the typos as we were still working on them the night before the wedding.

RCS的故事 - His Story (click here if you can't see the video here.):

NN的故事 - Her Story (click here if you can't see the video here):

我們的故事 - Our Story (click here if you can't see the video here):

Happy Holidays, everyone!  See you in Taiwan!
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