新單元 Lighter Better Yummier 出爐!
My new "Lighter Better Yummier" blog project is my own take on classic dishes in a much healthier approach without sacrifice the flavors. There will be substitutions and untraditional ingredients. The calories for the dish will be provided as well as some tips from NR's kitchen. Although I will still write my blog post mostly in Chinese, the recipes, instructions, and some tips/notes from our kitchen will be written in Chinese and English.
Keep an open mind and happy cooking!
Lighter Better Yummier 內容是我把大家熟知的菜色加入NR的創意,用更健康的材料和方法完成。內容會包括卡路里計算和一些NR家的廚房小貼士。希望大家會喜歡,也希望大家可以煮的開心,吃的安心,熱量不爆表,美味完全不減少!
今天上的第一道菜是“路易斯安那風味燉飯 Jambalaya”!