We are going to Reims today! Reims is only 45 mins away by speed train, TGV, from Paris. Reims and the nearby Epernay are the major Champagne regions in France. Only the sparkling wines from here can be called Champagne.
火車票也是很久以前就買好了。我們在希爾頓早餐一開始,六點半,就跑去吃了。希爾頓的早餐超棒也超級豐富,尤其是麵包區!原來的火車是七點五十八分從巴黎東站出發。我們大約七點四十到。結果!來巴黎的慘劇第二件!車站的讀票機一直查不到我們的訂票人名字,美國人一直用我們的名(first name)去查,結果都找不到。所以我們只好去櫃檯排隊!結果大概排了五十的人吧!只有三個窗口!法國人有很悠閒!等我們排到時已經錯過班車了。結果發現竟然是用姓(last name)!快要把我氣炸了!但是因為有和酒窖約時間,所以還是想要去。於是改下一班車前往,但是一個人要多付23歐元,他說因為我原來買的是超便宜早鳥票,現在買的差價就是這樣。想想也使好攤手付了。不付的話就去不了也喝不到香檳了。
We bought our ticket long ago and paid the early bird discounted price. Since we bought the 1st train that leaves from Pairs l'Est at 7:58AM, we were the first to show up for the Hilton breakfast. We loved their breakfast that offered to the Gold member and above (Thanks, Butch!). There were so much to choose from, especially the bread section.
Our train was scheduled to leave Paris l'Est station at 7:58AM. I made it to the station at 7:40AM and thought everything will go smoothly since all we need is to use the yellow self-service machine to print our tickets. BUT, we could not get to our reservation no matter how many times we tried. The system asked our NAME and RCSIII kept use our first names to try, but all failed. So we had to go to the counter. When we walked in, it was 7:49AMish, and there were like 50 people in front of us with only 3 windows opened. The French really took their time. When we got to the window, our train has already left and they also kept trying my first name and failed. Finally, they tried my last name and it went through. I was SO MAD!!!!! But since we still got the return ticket and reserveation with Champagne wineries, we still really want to go. Therefore, we had to pay 23 Euro per person extra for the next train to Reims. I was depressed for a while, but again, RCSIiI cheered me up. After all, if we don't go, we cannot taste the champagne...
今天是從巴黎的東站出發,這裡在電影愛蜜麗有出現過,是她追出紅鞋子神秘人的地方。因為離下班火車還有一個半小時,所以我們就跑到車站外面逛逛照相。另外我們還在車站裡買到了iphone5的nano SIM卡。
Today, we will leave from Paris Gare de l'Est. It was in the movie, Amilie. It is the station where Amily chased the mysterious man with red shoes. Since we still had one and a half hours to kill, we walked around the station and took some picture. Oh, we also found RCSIII's nano SIM card for his iPhone 5.
Actually, it wasn't too pretty around the station, it was a little bit dirty with too many walls had graffiti on them. Movie really made it much prettier.
45 minutes passed pretty fast and we were in Reims. It was a overcast day, again, with occasional rain, but it wasn't too bad. Right across from the Reims station is a park, and the town starts after you pass the park. After getting a map from the info desk, we started our day in Reims. It is not a big town (city), thus, a one-day trip would be enough. Most important of all, we really should book a champagne tour with one of (or as many as you like) the many wineries here.
Finally it's time for us to board our train. Make sure you must validate your train ticket in France using this yellow machine before you board. Otherwise, if you get caught, you may be fined!
It was funny that we got up so early this morning but didn't get to be on the train until now. This is our first speed rail (TGV) experience.
45 minutes passed pretty fast and we were in Reims. It was a overcast day, again, with occasional rain, but it wasn't too bad. Right across from the Reims station is a park, and the town starts after you pass the park. After getting a map from the info desk, we started our day in Reims. It is not a big town (city), thus, a one-day trip would be enough. Most important of all, we really should book a champagne tour with one of (or as many as you like) the many wineries here.
Reims is way cleaner than Paris! Although the buildings weren't as magnificent as the ones we saw in Paris. By the way, we saw so many marry-go-round in France during our honeymoon. It's quite romantic and fun. I like it!
When human GPS (AKA RCSIII) was trying to study the map, I took many male-model like pictures of him. I kept giving him orders to look away, lean against the wall...etc. I had fun. (Not sure about what he thinks.)
Not long, we arrived at the famous Notre-Dame de Reims. (to be honest, there were so many Notre-Dame, Cathedral in France/Europe....it was hard to tell the differences in the end.)
RCSIII said that is mom always tells him that if there's no people in the picture of a place, you can't even prove that those people have actually been to the place. Therefore, I took some pictures with RCSIII in them. We really were here!
Because the wineries are located slightly away from the central city across the river, so we decided to try to find our way there first. Our original plan was to visit 2 wineries today at 10AM & 2PM, but since we didn't catch the early train, I called in the first winery to cancel the reservation, and they told me that their afternoon tours are at 3PM (60mis) or 4PM (30min). Since the 2 wineries are located at different parts of town, we need to budget 40 minutes to go from here.
No matter what, we found our way to Lanson, the first winery, a little bit before 1PM.After taking some pictures outside of the gate, we decided to find some simple lunch. There aren't that many options in the winery areas, most of the stores/restaurants are located at the downtown area.
After searching and searching, we finally found a bakery! It totally saved our lives. We went inside and got a chicken sandwich, a apple tart and a bottle of water. I had to use my broken French and they did not speak English. But we got what we wanted!
Look how hungry this person was! He started eating right away.
We decided to have our lunch in the Tram station since that's the only place have seats. We were lucky that almost no one was there during lunch time. While we were eating, we try to learn the tram map and how to buy tickets.
We had different kind of sandwich yesterday and today. The sandwich lover, RCSIII, really enjoyed it. And I also like to bread a lot. It is also a much cheaper and more convenient meal option here that ranging between 3-6 Euro. I usually share one sandwich with RCSIII plus share a dessert item.
This chicken sandwich was really good especially in the cold and wet Reims' tram station.
RCSIII acted like a child and kept asking for this apple tart. So, here you go! It's not bad. Well...it tasted like an apple tart. However, it was a pretty good choice then since it was pretty convenient to eat.
After lunch, we walked in to the lobby of the winery. Today's first stop, Lanson. After I booked my tour over Skype, I found that this is on the wine list of Caseus, a nice little restaurant I really like that locates in New Haven. That have a Lanson black label for $65/bottle. In addition to that, folks on Tripadvisors really recommend this place. With just 10 Euro, you get 1 hour tour and 1 glass of tasting. It's quite cheap, actually. RCSIII and I are bother very excited about it.
The tour started with some explanation of different champagnes from different parts of France (using a map)...etc. Then we started to walk around. Inside their winery, they have some grape trees, although most of their grapes are from their other farms.
Then, we moved in to the factory part. Although we tried very hard to understand the English, but our guide's English had a such strong French accent that it wasn't easy to understand. I though it was just me, but even RCSIII couldn't get it either. Every time she will end up saying "I will now take you to XXXXX and we can XXXX", RCSIII and I would just look at each other and spoke Chinese "what did she just say?" or "Where is she taking us to?"
Next, we are finally going into the dark cave!
There were soooo many bottles. Yes, besides taking pictures, we did pay attention to the guide.
Time flies! One hour has passed and now is time to drink some champagne! It is now ~3PM.
We were so lucky today! 3 of our tour members were from some restaurants in Colorado, and they were here to look for nice champagnes for the restaurants. The guides told us that she does not make any distinctions between them and us (AKA normal tourists), so we will be tasting whatever they want taste. AND, it's going to be a series of great champagne selections.

It was so great and relaxing!!! During my first glass, I thought to myself that "thank god that we came here today." Although we has a such tough morning. Oh yes, those three people are responsible for our champagne blast. They all spit out right after they tasted it, but we normal people just drank it all.
Can you believe, we were still drinking after 1 hour! The guid lady kept open bottle after bottle. During our forth glass, RCSIII turned to me and said "GOD!" in Chinese, then, we kept drinking. In the end, we had 9 different kinds of champagne!!! NINE! And we only paid 10 Euro! How lovely!
Since the tasting took way too long, we were not able to go to another winery in time. BUT, we don't care! This experience at Lanson was so unexpected and awesome, we don't think we need to top that off with anything else.
Since Lanson was so generous, of course we decided to take some home. Most of us (the normal tourists) all ended up buying some champagne home. RCSIII and I bought 1 signature black label and 1 extra age made with only chardonnay grape (this one is REALLY good!). FYI, you can not buy the extra age one in stores! Hehe...
Then, RCSIII and a trunk me left Lanson with super happy mood. This is what honeymoon suppose to feel like!
And, we dramatically increased the weight of our luggage on the second day of the trip....(well...it was RCSIII's job to push the luggage after all...)
It could be that our lunch was really light or a bit too much champagne, we wanted to find something to eat again. There were really a lot of bakeries in France, everywhere! You can always smell butter and bread on the street. Since we didn't have much time before catching the return train, we picked a bakery again. RCSIII saw PAUL again and kept wanting to go there. AND he even already knew what he wanted.
He ordered a Flag sandwich, the classic Italian combination with fresh Mozz, tomato, basil and EVOO. Every place will use different type of bread, today in PAUL, they use olive french bread.
After the savory course, of course we HAD to end with something sweet. So we decided on Canale (well...I picket it). It turned out that its rum flavor is slightly over powering and the crust was a bit too soft. RCSIII is not a huge fan of. He kept saying that the Japanese bakery (can't recall the name, but we still know the location) we always go to when we were in Taiwan makes the best canale he has ever had. Well...the canale there was pretty good, but some places in NYC also did a good job in canales....too bad that RCSIII was never able to try them with me.
After our afternoon snack, we really needed to get going to catch our train back to Paris. Before we left Reims, here is a picture with RCSIII in it (although very tiny) with the station in the background.
When we settled on the train, it took no time for us to fall a sleep...deeply and soundly. Perhaps it was all the crap in the early morning plus the champagne. When we got to Paris and witch to subway so that we can go back to our hotel in La Defense, it was around 7PM. Since we were carrying heavy champagne bottles, we decided to go back to the hotel and drop them off first. Then, we wend to the supermarket next to our hotel, Monoprix, to get something for dinner. We spent quite some time in the supermarket and went through all the isles just to learn what French people have in their supermarkets. Because it's wet and cold today, we (well...I) really want to drink some hot soup. So we ended up getting some ramen cups. (To be honest, there weren't that many options...unlike in Asia...we do make the best ramens). Besides that, we found some cooked mussels and we bought a box of it to add in the ramen. RCSIII also insisted in buying a bag of Madeleine cake after I told him "I heard that all Japanese tourists always come to French supermarket to clear the shelves of those babies."
Aftern we got back to the hotel, we just relaxed on the bed, watched TV and ate ramen! SO NICE!
With 2 happy tommy, we were going to bed! Tomorrow, we are going to taste our first French Michellin star at La Truffière!