內餡材料 (For the Filling):
分量:八個餃子餡 Fillings for 8 Empanadas
今天的材料是參考2012年Food & Wine 年度食譜書裡的 Natchitoches Meat Pie 肉餡。使用較少奶油。Modified from the 2012 Food & Wine Cookbook-Natchitoches-Style Meat Pie
牛絞肉 (Ground Beef):四分之一磅 (1/4 lb)> 使用 90% lean (I used 90% lean)~180 Kcal
豬絞肉(Ground Pork):四分之一磅 (1/4 lb)> 使用 85% lean (I used 85 % lean)~240 Kcal
雞肝(Chicken Liver):八分之一磅 切碎(1/8 lb, minced)~ 35 Kcal
洋蔥(Onion):中型一顆 切丁(1 medium, minced )~ 45 Kcal
大蒜(Garlic):2-3 片 切碎丁(2-3 clovers, minced)~ 8 Kcal
青椒(Bell Pepper):中型一顆切丁(1 medium, chopped)~25 Kcal
辣椒粉(Cayenne Pepper):一茶匙(1 tsp )~1 Kcal
丁香(Clove):半茶匙(1/2 tsp )~1 Kcal
新鮮百里香(Fresh Thyme):一大匙(1 Tbsp )~ 2 Kcal
低鈉雞高湯(Low sodium chicken broth):四分之一杯(1/4 Cup)~2 Kcal
奶油(Butter):<半大匙(<1/2 Tbsp )~ 40 Kcal
鹽&胡椒(saly & pepper):適量(to taste)~1Kcal
Total Calories 總熱量 : 580 Kcal
1. 加熱奶油,炒香大蒜,洋蔥,約兩分鐘。放入青椒炒軟,約三分鐘。加入牛絞肉 ,豬絞肉,雞肝,炒散。加入辣椒粉,丁香,新鮮百里香,炒熟。倒入雞高湯,煮到收汁後再用鹽和胡椒調味。
Heat butter, sautéed garlic and onions for about two minutes. Add chopped bell peppers and sautéed until everything is soft, about another 3 minutes. Add in grind beef, ground pork, chicken liver and stir around until all meat in small chunks. Season with cayenne pepper, clove and fresh thyme and cook until meat is cooked. Pour in chicken broth and cook until the liquid is almost gone, about 5 minutes. Finally, Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Transfer the prepared filling into a bowl and cool in the refrigerator for at least 30 mins. When you are done, the final product kind of looks like the picture below.

餃子皮 (Empanada Wrap):
分量:八張餃子皮 8 Empanada Wrappers
中筋麵粉(All Purpose Flour or Whole Wheat Pastry Flour):兩杯+更多"揉麵團時使用"( 2 cups + more for dusting)~ 900 Kcal
鹽(Salt):二分之一茶匙(1/2 tsp)~ 1 Kcal
糖(Sugar):一大匙(1 Tbsp)~ 48 Kcal
蛋黃(Egg Yolk):一顆(1)~ 50 Kcal
水(Water):半杯+ㄧ大匙(1/2 Cup+1 Tbsp)~0 Kcal
奶油(Butter):<一大匙,加熱融化(<1 Tbsp for brushing, melted)~21 Kcal
蛋白(Egg White):<一顆,用於刷麵團(<1, for brushing)~10 Kcal
Total Calories 總熱量 : 1030 Kcal
*我使用 Kitchen Aid 揉麵。若是沒有Kitchen Aid,萬能的手也是 ok 的*
*I used a Kitchen Aid for the dough preparation. You can always use your hands if you'd like*
1. 在Kitchen Aid 的攪拌碗中混合中筋麵粉,鹽,糖。在另一攪拌碗內混合蛋黃和水。將蛋水混合液加入混合好的乾粉內後大開 Kitchen Aid,使用揉麵團攪拌器攪拌八到十分鐘。(要是沒有的Kitchen Aid的話,可以在工作平台上先到上乾粉,在粉中挖個洞然後將液體倒入,以防流出。倒入後慢慢混合,揉成麵團。也要揉個八到十分鐘左右。)最後的麵團會是光滑不黏手。
Using Kitchen Aid: Mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, salt) in the Kitchen Aid mixing bowl and mix well. In another bowl, mix well egg yolk and water. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry flour mix and turn on the Kitchen Aid to combine and knee the dough for about 8-10 minutes. (If not using Kitchen Aid, place the mixed dried ingredient at your work surface and make a well in the center of your flour mixture. Pour the egg yolk water in it. Combine all ingredients and knee the dough for about 8-10 minutes.) Your dough should be smooth and not sticky when it is done.
2. 拿出揉好的麵團後放到撒上麵粉的工作平台,以防粘黏。在麵團表面刷上融化的奶油後搓成一長條狀,然後切成八等塊。(見下圖左下角的小麵塊)
Place the dough on a floured surface and brush the dough with melted butter. Roll the dough to a long tube shape and cut it in to 8 equal pieces. (See the left bottom corner of the picture below)

3. 取出一塊小麵團開始桿成圓形(見上圖)。大小厚薄可以照個人喜好做決定。我喜歡皮薄一點。
Take one small dough and start to roll it out until thin (see picture above). You can decide the thickness of your wrapper. I like it pretty thin.
4. 準備一碗水。在餃子皮中間抹上水。
Prepare a small bowl of water. Use your finger to brush the edge of the wrapper with water.

5. 在餃子皮的半邊放入內餡。我喜歡塞得很滿。
Place the filling on half side of the wrapper. I like to stuff it!
Try not to scoop our the liquid in your filling bowl. This may make a mass at your surface and makes it harder to close up your Empanadas.

6. 將另一半的餃子皮蓋上有餡料的半邊。將邊緣黏緊後用叉子加強並且畫出紋路。
Fold the wrapper in half and cover the fillings. Push the edge together and use a fork to reenforce it.

7. 重複八次把八個餃子包完!Repeat 8 times to finish wrapping 8 Empanadas!

8. 因為我們不油炸,而是要送去烤箱烤,所以我們刷上蛋白液後用叉子在餃子的表面戳上洞,讓蒸汽可以透出。
Since we are going to bake them instead of frying, we poke the Empanadas with a fork after we brush the surface with egg white to let the steam out.

9. 425F 烤箱約烤 20 - 22 分鐘。TA DA! 要是刷的是蛋黃顏色會更漂亮。
Baked in the 425F oven for 20-22 minutes. The color will be prettier if brushed with egg yolk.

10. 建議搭配酪梨醬,莎莎醬,還有古巴風味玉米沙拉一起食用!不用再多用其他醬汁了。
Enjoy it with Guacamole, salsa, and cuban corn salad! You do not need any other dressings with this is you choose these healthier and yummier sides.

餡加皮總熱量 : 1610 Kcal,每個餃子約 201.25大卡。一餐吃兩個外加配料,再喝點酒,熱量部分也是沒有什麼問題的。
Bon Appetite!

墨西哥餃子其實是就像是水餃一樣 ,想要包什麼都可以。可葷可素。做法簡單,但是準備有點麻煩。建議找個沒事的下午泡在廚房玩一玩。