My new "Lighter Better Yummier" blog project is my own take on classic dishes in a much healthier approach without sacrifice the flavors. There will be substitutions and untraditional ingredients. The calories for the dish will be provided as well as some tips from NR's kitchen. Although I will still write my blog post mostly in Chinese, the recipes, instructions, and some tips/notes from our kitchen will be written in Chinese and English.
Keep an open mind and happy cooking!
Lighter Better Yummier 內容是我把大家熟知的菜色加入NR的創意,用更健康的材料和方法完成。內容會包括卡路里計算和一些NR家的廚房小貼士。希望大家會喜歡,也希望大家可以煮的開心,吃的安心,熱量不爆表,美味完全不減少!
今天上的第一道菜是“路易斯安那風味燉飯 Jambalaya”!


材料 Ingredientes:
蔬菜類 Vegetables
大蒜 (Garlic):五瓣 或是隨喜好增減 切碎丁(5 cloves or desired amount; minced) ~30 cals
洋蔥(Onion):兩小顆 或是一顆中型 切丁(2 small or 1 medium/large; diced) ~70 cals
青椒(Bell Pepper):中型一顆 切丁(1 medium; diced) ~ 24 cals
西洋芹(Celery):兩條莖 切丁(2 stalks; diced) ~12 cals
節瓜(patty pan):一顆中型 切丁(1 medium; diced) ~23 cals
長豆(green bean):一小把(半杯)切丁(half cup; diced) ~15 cals
辣椒(hot chili pepper):兩條 切丁(2 medium; diced) ~ 25 cals
番茄(Tomato):兩顆中型 切丁(2 medium; diced) ~ 40 cals
洋菇(crimini mushroom):三小顆 (半杯) 切丁(half cup; diced) ~8 cals
蛋白質類 Proteins
火雞&雞肉 辣燻腸 (Andouille Chicken & Turkey Sausage):四條 切片 (4 links; slice) ~520 cals
鮮蝦 (shrimp):約半磅 約十五隻中型蝦 (~half pound, ~15 medium shrimps) ~200 cals
主食 Grains
糙米 (organic brown rice):兩米杯 或是 1& 1/3 量杯 (1&1/3 cups) ~800 cals
香料&其他 Spices & Others
蔬菜高湯 (vegetable broth):三米杯 或是 2 量杯 (2 cups) ~20 cals
葡萄籽油 (grape seed oil):約兩小匙 (2 tsp) ~80 cals
番茄濃縮醬 (tomato paste):兩大匙 (2 Tbsp) ~30 cals
麝香草 (thyme):四分之一小匙 (1/4 tsp) ~1 cal
紅椒粉 (paprika):四分之一小匙 (1/4 tsp) ~2 cals
辣椒粉 (chili powder):四分之一小匙 (1/4 tsp) ~2 cals
月桂葉 (bay leaves): 兩片 (2 pieces)
粉紅鹽 & 胡椒 (pink salt & pepper):適量 season to taste
總熱量 Total Calories:~ 1902 cals
四人份 (4 servings) :每份 475.5 大卡 (~ 475.5 cals/serving)
做法 Instructions:
(Sauté garlic until fragrant in grape seed oil. Add onion, bell pepper, celery, zucchini, green bean, chili pepper, and sauté until soft. About 5 minutes. )

2. 加入辣燻腸和蘑菇一起炒約兩分鐘。
(Throw in sausages and mushrooms. Sauté for about 2 minutes.)

(Add and stir in tomato, brown rice, vegetable broth, thyme, paprika, chili pepper powder, bay leaves. Simmer with lid on for about 30 minutes or longer to cook the rice. Stir occasionally to prevent rice stick to the pot. )

4. 等飯煮透後,加入蝦子,蓋上蓋子悶熟 (我的鑄鐵鍋大概 20秒就蝦子就熟了)。
(Once the rice is done (taste it!), add the shrimp on top of the rice and put the lid on to cook the shrimps. My cast iron pan only took about 20 seconds.)

5. 最後拌勻(湯汁應該幾乎都收乾了),加入適量鹽和胡椒就完成了(我只有加一咪咪,覺得其實不多加鹽應該也可以)。
(Lightly fold everything together and season with salt and pepper to taste.)

NR廚房小提醒 Tips & Notes:
1. 蔬菜部分可以看看家裡有什麼就加什麼。青椒部分有彩椒更好,沒有蘑菇或長豆就不用加,有秋葵的話請一定放一些!
(Depend on what you have in your fridge, you can easily make substitutions. Colorful peppers is of course much more fun. If you have no zucchinis, no green beans, or no mushrooms, don't even worry about it. Oh, make sure to throw in some okras if you have some! )
2. 許多的辣燻腸都是豬肉做的,今天我使用的是有機的雞肉和火雞肉做的辣燻腸,熱量少非常多!可以把部分的辣燻腸換成雞肉更是好。
(Substitute checken and/or turkey sausages for pork sausages to cut back down on the calories without loosing the flavors! You can also decrease the amount of sausages and replace with chicken meat.)
3. 許多食譜都是使用雞肉高湯,不過今天用蔬菜高湯的成果也是一樣很令人滿意!滋味一點都不減少。
(Many recipes call for chicken broth. But I use vegetable broth in my recipe today and it was just as delicious.)
4. 盛盤後可以隨性撒上香菜或是青蔥。
(Feel free to garnish the plate with parsley or green onion...etc, if you happen to have some.)