會有Ricotta也是因為最近收到天上掉下來的禮物!獲得了好多有機牛奶, Greek Yogurt, Hummus, sour cream, ricotta, cottage cheese & 新鮮蔬果!真謝謝好心人。但是現在冰箱爆炸!不過因為有ricotta,所以正好可以做這個pancake。也由於多了兩大罐我平常不會買的organig whole milk,所以決定等等來做cheese。已經研究了一番,到時候再來分享!
Fluffy Ricotta Pancakes
makes 8 -- 我做了10個(使用1/3 Cup for measuring)
1. ricotta cheese -- 1 cup
2. flour -- 3/4 cup (I used 1/4 cup whole wheat flour & 1/2 cup all-purpose flour)
3. paking powder -- 1/2 tsp
4. sugar - 1 & 1/2 Tbsp ( I only used 1 Tbsp)
5. pinch salt
6. 3/4 cup milk ( I used 2%)
7. eggs, divided -- 3
8. vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp
1. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl (item 2-5).
2. Combine ricotta cheese, yolk, milk and vanilla in another bowl and mix well.
3. Beat egg white until stiff.
4. Add (1) into (2) (dry to wet) and stir until just combine.
5. Fold in 1/4 of the egg white first and then fold in the rest of it gently.
6. Use a 1/3 cup measuring cup to measure out the amount of batter (this resulted in 10 pancakes in my case) and cook the pancakes the same way as you normally do. They might need a bit longer than your normal pancakes.

這口感很fluffy 也很 moist (我的關鍵字!),豐富的蛋白質可以讓你飽腹一上午! 唯一的缺點就是一早起床就要打發蛋白有點累就是了。所以一次多做點才划得來。