2012年12月17日 星期一
[NYC Brunch] Casmir & Dessert Tour 早午餐 & 甜點之旅
2012年12月16日 星期日
[秋冬甜點] Homemade Pecan Pie 胡桃派
但是今年不知怎麼了到現在都沒有做來吃,大概是因為 KC 給我過兩次吧,所以解饞後就作罷了。上星期二RCSIII的爸爸千里迢迢來出差還帶來許多RCSIII媽媽準備的聖誕禮物,有好多東西。其中包含好多有機堅果。
2012年12月12日 星期三
All flavors of Lady M Mille Crêpes Checked! 大滿足!
Lady M 是我很喜愛的Japanese-French 甜點店,因為在 Plaza Hotel Food Hall 新開了櫃點,所以也特別櫃點限定了新口味 Chocolate banana Mille Crêpes。一看到新聞得我馬上就想吃,但是因為太忙了,所以等到現在才吃到。當場也購入了季節限定的 Marron Mille Crêpes (栗子口味)一舉完成所有口味的蒐集! (喔,我完全沒把椰子口味算在裡面,當然也是不會買來吃的。)
Lady M 是我很喜愛的Japanese-French 甜點店,因為在 Plaza Hotel Food Hall 新開了櫃點,所以也特別櫃點限定了新口味 Chocolate banana Mille Crêpes。一看到新聞得我馬上就想吃,但是因為太忙了,所以等到現在才吃到。當場也購入了季節限定的 Marron Mille Crêpes (栗子口味)一舉完成所有口味的蒐集! (喔,我完全沒把椰子口味算在裡面,當然也是不會買來吃的。)
2012年12月9日 星期日
[ NYC Brunch] Norma's at Le Parker Meriden
好久沒有寫覓食記了。由於之前太過忙碌所以都在家吃自己。最近因為聖誕節氣氛濃厚,所以心情比較放鬆一點。想到好久沒有吃 brunch 了而相當嘴饞,所以和 KC 決定來個週六紐約吃吃喝喝外加甜點之旅。其中很是重要的就是 brunch 的部分。今天是來到 KC 挑的 Norma's.請大家一定要訂位喔,不然有可能要等一小時以上。善於計畫得我們當然是一個禮拜前就訂位了。因為我們早到,所以等到剛剛好預約的時間就馬上入坐了。
好久沒有寫覓食記了。由於之前太過忙碌所以都在家吃自己。最近因為聖誕節氣氛濃厚,所以心情比較放鬆一點。想到好久沒有吃 brunch 了而相當嘴饞,所以和 KC 決定來個週六紐約吃吃喝喝外加甜點之旅。其中很是重要的就是 brunch 的部分。今天是來到 KC 挑的 Norma's.請大家一定要訂位喔,不然有可能要等一小時以上。善於計畫得我們當然是一個禮拜前就訂位了。因為我們早到,所以等到剛剛好預約的時間就馬上入坐了。
2012年12月3日 星期一
[週末生活] JPLT Exam & Dessert Therapy 日文檢定 & 甜點療法
以上是難得找到好好吃的 Canelé. 地點當然是在紐約 (咳咳)。
又是一個極度忙碌的禮拜。除了準備和老闆開會以外還有天天瘋狂抱佛腳念日文。結果星期天去考了,趕考的地點是紐約的Bronx (超遠)。發現最危機的應該是聽力吧,畢竟其他部分都有天天做考題練習,但是聽力真的很難準備耶。又每題都只念一次,且有些題型我之前都沒有想到會這樣考聽力,所以有失誤。一開始還畫錯格後來還回去改,真是很緊張。要是是聯考的話大概要重考了這樣。考閱讀的部分雖然我都有讀完,但是也考太多篇了吧,讀到後來真是蠻痛苦了。大概也可能是我已經太久沒有坐著考試了吧。總共快要四小時才完成。光是從耶魯這裡跑去就要三小時左右。猶如古代進京趕考一般。要是可以考過就太好了。拜託拜託。
2012年11月25日 星期日
[週末晚餐] Taiwanese Tomato Beef Noodle Soup 番茄牛肉麵 (配酸菜)
又是很忙的一週。雖然說是美國的感恩節 (Thanksgiving),但是剛剛好感恩節前夕紗智子來訪,所以我們星期三紐約整整逛了一整天(健走一整天)。加上身為YTSA會長的我又要處理感恩節party的事宜,感恩節傍晚又和KC & CC (KC的姐姐)前往woodbury common outlet in NY 進行瘋狂的 Black Friday Shopping (整整逛了12小時喔!還在排隊進入某間店的時候看見了日出。)一直到星期五中午才安頓下來休息。回到家的時候腿超酸的,尤其是小腿肌肉很是緊繃。(嘖嘖)
2012年11月19日 星期一
[週末早餐] Motcha & Azuki Pancakes 抹茶紅豆煎餅
2012年11月17日 星期六
[2012 NH Fall 餐廳週] Lunch at Ibiza
今天中午從辦公室走到 Ibiza 這段路走的心情真好。因為知道要去吃好吃的。雖然說最近超級電腦的計算很慢,所以我拿到新data的速度也很慢,但是這也是沒辦法的事情。等NAMD在Omega上裝好之後我在把一部分資料移去那裏好了。所以目前還是只能繼續使用NERSC。到了會想要多做一點東西好跟老闆談畢業的階段。(緊張)
2012年11月16日 星期五
[2012 NH Fall 餐廳週] Lunch at Zinc
今天和我的 regular lunch buddy, SK, 前往zinc。這家我好像之前來過兩次,都是晚餐。之前餐廳週也有來過:New Haven Restaurant Week 2011 Fall -- Dinner at Zinc
2012年11月15日 星期四
[2012 NH Fall 餐廳週] Dinner at Union League Cafe

website: http://unionleaguecafe.com
好開心喔好開心喔! Union League Cafe 應該是我在 New Haven 最愛的餐廳! 應該是這裡唯一的高級法式料理。服務極佳食物也很好吃。特推牛肉料理! (不過今天的共食伙伴皆不吃牛,所以我也只好不分享我的好料了。(攤手))
餐廳週也幾乎每次都要去一下解解饞,上一次也有寫食記在此:Dinner at Union League Cafe -- 2012 NH Spring RW
2012年11月14日 星期三
[2012 NH Fall 餐廳週] Dinner at Press
website: http://www.presspizza.com/
一年兩度的 New Haven 餐廳週又來了。繼昨天到紐約吃吃喝喝和YY見面以後,今天回家一早就起來準備 lunch potluck party.
一年兩度的 New Haven 餐廳週又來了。繼昨天到紐約吃吃喝喝和YY見面以後,今天回家一早就起來準備 lunch potluck party.
2012年11月4日 星期日
[秋天甜點] Pumpkin Oat Chocolate Chip Pancake 南瓜燕麥巧克力煎餅
Day Light Saving!!!!! Although I know it's not true, but I always feel like I gained an extra hour!!!
[秋天甜點] Traditional Pumpkin Pie 美式傳統南瓜派
2012年11月3日 星期六
[秋天甜點] Apple Picking at Bishops Orchard & Apple Cake Bar 蘋果蛋糕
遲到了遲到了!蘋果都要吃光了才po這篇。實在是因為這陣子太忙了。沒人性老闆就我10天生出一篇要投到Journal of Molecular Biology的paper。因為本人只是卑微的廉價研究生,所以只好天天工作近18小時 (好啦...銀行家友人們,這已經很沒人性了耶,畢竟我們可沒有大把大把的收入噢。) 終於在截止日當天交出去了。現在就只好等待每位研究生都想要聽到的好消息了。可惡的老闆都沒有拍拍我的肩膀說我好棒。還是很氣。
2012年10月15日 星期一
[秋天甜點] Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies 南瓜巧克力餅乾
雖然老闆回來了=苦哈哈的日子又開始了,但是我還是要過我的堅持不overly stress out的生活。這是最近紓壓做出的南瓜巧克力餅乾。特地找了一個蛋糕口感的軟綿綿配方,結果相當讓我滿意。熱愛蛋糕的我喜歡這餅乾的原因是因為這根本是餅形狀的蛋糕嘛! (跟單烤muffin top有不一樣啦,口感有比較細一點。)
雖然老闆回來了=苦哈哈的日子又開始了,但是我還是要過我的堅持不overly stress out的生活。這是最近紓壓做出的南瓜巧克力餅乾。特地找了一個蛋糕口感的軟綿綿配方,結果相當讓我滿意。熱愛蛋糕的我喜歡這餅乾的原因是因為這根本是餅形狀的蛋糕嘛! (跟單烤muffin top有不一樣啦,口感有比較細一點。)
2012年10月14日 星期日
[快樂周末] Weekend Brunch, Dinner & Dessert
真是一個吃得好飽的週末噢! S&E 遠從Boston過來看月底要搬去加州做post doc的Suv. 我的小公寓終於要有住宿的客人了! 朋友來訪不免要吃吃喝喝。充實的週末,新舊朋友通通都不能少!
SATURDAY: [與LF&KC有約] Brunch at Lena's Cafe -> #1 Fish Market/DSW/Target with KC -> Broadway Shopping -> Dinner at Mezcal -> Dessert at Shake Shack -> Sweet Home! (Boys went to the Owl Shop!)
SUNDAY: Brunch at The Pantry -> say bye-bye to S&E!
今天把KC和LF介紹認識來個三人行就可以多點一份甜的brunch之旅。來到我和KC還算蠻常來的Lena's Cafe. 三個人都很貪心,所以都各點一份鹹食然後再分食甜點。果然愛吃的人都還蠻合得來的。
SATURDAY: [與LF&KC有約] Brunch at Lena's Cafe -> #1 Fish Market/DSW/Target with KC -> Broadway Shopping -> Dinner at Mezcal -> Dessert at Shake Shack -> Sweet Home! (Boys went to the Owl Shop!)
SUNDAY: Brunch at The Pantry -> say bye-bye to S&E!
今天把KC和LF介紹認識來個三人行就可以多點一份甜的brunch之旅。來到我和KC還算蠻常來的Lena's Cafe. 三個人都很貪心,所以都各點一份鹹食然後再分食甜點。果然愛吃的人都還蠻合得來的。
2012年10月12日 星期五
[秋天甜點] Hommade Pumpkin Scone 手做南瓜司康
Pumpkin Oat Scone 南瓜燕麥司康
My dear friend KB complained to me that she coldn't understand my blogs anymore since I started to post in Chinese. Well...I'm sorry KB, so I wrote some more English this time as well as the recipes are also in English!
最近New Haven 突然變得好冷噢!這種季節最適合一杯熱茶&南瓜點心了。
2012年10月7日 星期日
[與LF有約] Brunch at 168 York St. Cafe
Address: 168 York St. New Haven, CT 06510 (Of course!)
Website: http://www.168yorkstreetcafe.com/
Website: http://www.168yorkstreetcafe.com/
2012年10月1日 星期一
[秋天甜點] 杯子蛋糕 Sugar Bakery's Autumn Cupcakes
雖然還想念台灣的芋頭酥,芋圓,豆花等等,但是現在的美國正是我最喜愛的季節。和台灣不同,New England 這裡的秋天氣息相當濃厚。樹葉已經漸漸紅了,我最愛的秋天食材紛紛出籠了。除了各種 spiced coffee/tea 以外,甜點們也開始沾染秋天的味道。 最近吃的還算健康,所以就跑去 sugar bakery 的 cupcake truck 買兩個秋天限定口味的杯子蛋糕。
-Chocolate Coverd Caramel Apple- apple cupcake filled with creamy caramel, dipped in chocolate ganache, rolled in chocolate sprinkles!
雖然還想念台灣的芋頭酥,芋圓,豆花等等,但是現在的美國正是我最喜愛的季節。和台灣不同,New England 這裡的秋天氣息相當濃厚。樹葉已經漸漸紅了,我最愛的秋天食材紛紛出籠了。除了各種 spiced coffee/tea 以外,甜點們也開始沾染秋天的味道。 最近吃的還算健康,所以就跑去 sugar bakery 的 cupcake truck 買兩個秋天限定口味的杯子蛋糕。
-Chocolate Coverd Caramel Apple- apple cupcake filled with creamy caramel, dipped in chocolate ganache, rolled in chocolate sprinkles!
2012年8月23日 星期四
[台北東區] 德壽司 "德とく壽司" 二訪
Address:100台北市大安區市民大道四段136之3號 ( Taipei, TAIWAN)
Phone: (
2012年8月10日 星期五
[世界旅遊] 2012 東京四天三夜 Day 4 - 築地市場 上野 阿美橫丁
最後一天了。真討厭!旅遊最討厭到最後一天了,心情會從前一天晚上就有小小的失落。不過還是要振作一下,為這半天的行程做準備。今天打算一早就先Check out,寄放行李。 然後在出去玩個半天之後再回飯店拿行李接著搭京成電鐵去成田搭飛機。
Day 4: 淺草 Blue Wave Inn (check out) > 築地市場 > 上野 > 淺草 仲見通 > 成田空港(Terminal 2)
2012年8月7日 星期二
2012年7月31日 星期二
[世界旅遊] 2012 東京四天三夜 Day 3 (上) - 仲見通り 秋葉原 銀座 親子丼
Day 3: 淺草 Blue Wave Inn > 淺草 仲見通 > 秋葉原 > 銀座 > 自由之丘 > 代官山 > 淺草 Blue Wave Inn > 新宿 > 淺草 Blue Wave Inn
Day 3: 淺草 Blue Wave Inn > 淺草 仲見通 > 秋葉原 > 銀座 > 自由之丘 > 代官山 > 淺草 Blue Wave Inn > 新宿 > 淺草 Blue Wave Inn
2012年7月24日 星期二
[世界旅遊] 2012 東京四天三夜 Day 2 (下) - 原宿 新宿 台場 馬卡龍 居酒屋
Day 2: 淺草 Blue Wave Inn > 築地市場 > 明治神宮 > 原宿 > 新宿 > 台場 > 淺草 居酒屋 > 淺草 Blue Wave Inn
2012年7月22日 星期日
[世界旅遊] 2012 東京四天三夜 Day 2 (上) - 築地市場 原宿 明治神宮 千疋屋
Day 2: 淺草 Blue Wave Inn > 築地市場 > 明治神宮 > 原宿 > 新宿 > 台場 > 淺草 居酒屋 > 淺草 Blue Wave Inn
Day 2: 淺草 Blue Wave Inn > 築地市場 > 明治神宮 > 原宿 > 新宿 > 台場 > 淺草 居酒屋 > 淺草 Blue Wave Inn
2012年7月19日 星期四
[世界旅遊] 2012 東京四天三夜 Day 1 - 六本木 一蘭拉麵 鎧塚俊彦
2012年7月17日 星期二
2012 Summer in Taipei, TAIWAN 在家吃台灣味
Let me start (reactivate) my blog with mama's home cooking!
This is what you would see in a Taiwanese homestyle cooking. We normally have 3 side dishes + 1 soup + rice as a healthy balanced meal.
2012年5月6日 星期日
Brunch at Green Eggs Cafe at Philly
Address: 212 S. 13th St (@ Locust), Philadelphia PA
Website: http://greeneggscafe.com
What a beautiful Day!!! If you read my previous post about my weekend getaway trip to Philly, you will know that I adore this place and will dedicate a post for it since there are so much to say about it!
Website: http://greeneggscafe.com
What a beautiful Day!!! If you read my previous post about my weekend getaway trip to Philly, you will know that I adore this place and will dedicate a post for it since there are so much to say about it!
2012年5月1日 星期二
Weekend Getaway at Philly -- Eat (Bonte, Meil Patisserie, Di Bruno Bros, Dinic's, Smokin' Betty's & Green Eggs Cafe), Walk (a bit) & Gilmore Girls
I have been looking forward for this for a very long time! Yes! I knew that it'll be very fun with the girls. We (well...by we I mean Alissa with the help from Laura) drove to Philly. (Thanks for driving!) I think Philly is a great place for a weekend getaway from New Haven.
This is my 3rd visit to Philly, and I am still very excited. Since during my last visit here with RCSIII to meet up with Kate, we went to all the touristy spot, I feel like I can enjoy the city more this time and pretend I am a local here. There is so much stuff to do, to see and to eat here, so in order to not stress ourselves out, we decided to not make any plans (just relax) and somehow incorporate food to this trip (oh YEAH~~)!
2012年4月30日 星期一
Lunch at L'Orcio -- Friday Only & Yummy!
Website: http://www.lorcio.com/
I have always wanted to try this place, but I keep remembering Sahr told me that she did not like this place at all during her visit last year for a RW lunch. So I'm always a but reluctant to step in this place, but in the same time, I would really like to try since I also heard so good thing about it from some of my Italian-American friends. Finally, I asked Yen & Angela to come here together and gladly both of them said yes immediately! Plus we got a bonus Ted, who invited himself to this girl's lunch but was suffering from allergy terribly during the day at lunch.
2012年4月27日 星期五
CamiCakes & Cloud9 -- Cupcake Advanture at Atlanta GA
Cami Cakes:
Address: 2221 Peachtree Rd, Suite B, Atlanta, GA 30309 (& 3 other locations)Website: http://www.camicakes.com
Cloud 9 Cupcakes:
Address: 3393 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30026
(Located in the Lenox Mall Food Court)
2012年4月24日 星期二
Brunch at Thumbs Up -- Atlanta GA
Website: http://thumbsupdiner.com
I came here with RCSIII during the Thanksgiving break last year, and I realized that I never wrote about it. If not because I was organizing the pictures I got in the computer, I would completely forgot about it. I had a long long facetime conversation with RCSIII this morning and I just miss him terribly. Driving from New Haven to GA was a fun trip for me (since I didn't have to drive), and I just think even though it's late, I should write down where we went.
2012年4月23日 星期一
Brunch at The Corner Restaurant
Address: 105 River St, Milford, CT 06460
Website: http://thecornerbrunch.com
I absolutely love all my brunch pig out with KC. I think maybe because we both love eggs & breakfast sweet items plus we are both really lay back. We always end up just relax at my apartment later or shopping at a mall somewhere. We decided to try this new spot that I found on Yelp. It's not too far away from New Haven if you have a car.
2012年4月22日 星期日
Dinner at Union League Cafe -- 2012 NH Spring RW
Address: 1032 Chapel St # A New Haven, CT 06510
Website: http://unionleaguecafe.com
Here come my last stop for 2012 NH spring RW. I was here with Angela, Yen and Ted. This is probably the only French Restaurant here at New Haven (while we have about 1000 Italian restaurants), and it happened to be a very good one. Of course, the price is also very French like my beloved LV...so that's why RW is a good chance to come back again.
Website: http://unionleaguecafe.com
Here come my last stop for 2012 NH spring RW. I was here with Angela, Yen and Ted. This is probably the only French Restaurant here at New Haven (while we have about 1000 Italian restaurants), and it happened to be a very good one. Of course, the price is also very French like my beloved LV...so that's why RW is a good chance to come back again.
2012年4月20日 星期五
Dinner at Ibiza -- 2012 (&2010) NH Spring RW
Address: 39 High Street New Haven CT::
Website: http://www.ibizarestaurantnewhaven.com
This is my second stop for this year's spring restaurant week.
2012年4月18日 星期三
Lunch at Consiglios -- 2012 NH Spring RW
Address: 165 Wooster Street New Haven, CT 06511
Website: http://www.consiglios.com
I am always excited about restaurant week (RW), doesn't matter what time of the year and what city I'm at. Although this year's RW price is more expensive, $18 for lunch & $32 for dinner, I still think it's a pretty good opportunity to try new places in town and catch up with friends. Sahr and I planned this meal about 2 weeks ago and both of us were starving on our way there (Oh well...maybe just me...) I have to apologize to her a little bit here since I couldn't really focuse on talking to her on the Yale shuttle...I think my blood sugar level was too low....too hungry to do anything at all...sorry girl....I was not being a nice friend then.
Website: http://www.consiglios.com
I am always excited about restaurant week (RW), doesn't matter what time of the year and what city I'm at. Although this year's RW price is more expensive, $18 for lunch & $32 for dinner, I still think it's a pretty good opportunity to try new places in town and catch up with friends. Sahr and I planned this meal about 2 weeks ago and both of us were starving on our way there (Oh well...maybe just me...) I have to apologize to her a little bit here since I couldn't really focuse on talking to her on the Yale shuttle...I think my blood sugar level was too low....too hungry to do anything at all...sorry girl....I was not being a nice friend then.
2012年4月17日 星期二
Lucibello's --My favorite Italian Pastry Shop at New Haven
Website: http://www.lucibellospastry.com
I tried to go to the Farmer's market here at New Haven on Saturday with my two heavy glass milk bottles that I still have from last year to return to the awesome diary vendor there, BUT.....there was no one there. Well...I guess this year's farmer's market hasn't started yet. (Hum...I thought it usually starts in April. Oh well.)
2012年4月10日 星期二
2012 March Limited -- Cherry Blossom Macaron and Tsumori Chisato Gift Box from Ladurée (plus a little bit of Panya in the end)
Please see the store information and my very first Ladurée visit here. If I didn't write it down, I don't think I'll remember what I've tried. This post should really be written sometime in March, and I am already late. But well, it's just April now. After my first visit to Ladurée , I kept going back since I really love those little colorful babies. What makes me want to write about it was the special gift box for 2012 March amd the featured flavor, the 2012 special flavor, INCROYABLE AMANDE (almond), and the 2012 March special flavor, Cherry Blossom. The special box was designed by the Japanese artist, Tsumori Chisato. It was too cute to not make one of them mine!
2012年4月9日 星期一
Bella's Cafe -- revisit for a Sweet Brunch
For the restaurant information, please see my previous visit here!
I wrote my 1st post almost a year ago and I came back today with KC to check out their sweet brunch items. It was the Easter weekend and in order to avoid waiting in line for too long, KC and I decided to go around 10:00AM!!! (well....I know that's not really "early"...)
I wrote my 1st post almost a year ago and I came back today with KC to check out their sweet brunch items. It was the Easter weekend and in order to avoid waiting in line for too long, KC and I decided to go around 10:00AM!!! (well....I know that's not really "early"...)
2012年4月3日 星期二
Rocq Macaron
Website: http://macarons.rocqgroup.com/
This week was a little bit depressing for me. It might be the combination of a lot of things, such as some students gave me terrible attitude in the session, computer issues that resulted in not able to run some calculations and I am going to have a meeting tomorrow. I NEVER enjoy the meetings for many reasons...oh well...I shouldn't be complaining so much if I am doing something I love doing, isn't it? I know I know. Oh well...a girl is still need to pay the bills (tears) anyway, something worth celebrating was that our project got the first publication in PNAS. And plus I just got back my tax return, I went ahead and order those babies online. (since New Haven doesn't have any good French macaron places)
This week was a little bit depressing for me. It might be the combination of a lot of things, such as some students gave me terrible attitude in the session, computer issues that resulted in not able to run some calculations and I am going to have a meeting tomorrow. I NEVER enjoy the meetings for many reasons...oh well...I shouldn't be complaining so much if I am doing something I love doing, isn't it? I know I know. Oh well...a girl is still need to pay the bills (tears) anyway, something worth celebrating was that our project got the first publication in PNAS. And plus I just got back my tax return, I went ahead and order those babies online. (since New Haven doesn't have any good French macaron places)
2012年3月29日 星期四
Brunch at Penelope
Address: 159 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY
Website: penelopenyc.com
YEAH!!! It's almost April!!! Which means that Spring is here and another step closer to my summer internship!!! I am so excited to do something different than MD simulation or FEP calculation or anything what I am currently doing in lab. Also, I am uber excited to EAT EAT EAT in Asia!!! Taiwan, Shanghai, and Japan, here I come. BUT, before then, I still have another ~2 months to go. Oh well... In the mean time, I guess I'll just to go NYC to satisfy my craving for yummy food for now.
Website: penelopenyc.com
YEAH!!! It's almost April!!! Which means that Spring is here and another step closer to my summer internship!!! I am so excited to do something different than MD simulation or FEP calculation or anything what I am currently doing in lab. Also, I am uber excited to EAT EAT EAT in Asia!!! Taiwan, Shanghai, and Japan, here I come. BUT, before then, I still have another ~2 months to go. Oh well... In the mean time, I guess I'll just to go NYC to satisfy my craving for yummy food for now.
2012年3月19日 星期一
ChikaLicious Dessert Bar 極品起司蛋糕
Address: 203 East 10th Street, New York, NY 10003-7636
Website: http://www.chikalicious.com/
If you are interested in dessert salon (dessert bar), this is a place you have to try in NYC. After having some crazy awesome experience at Toshi Yoroizuka's dessert salon in Japan, I found myself loving this kind of dining experience. At that time, Chef. Yoroizuka was there making my desserts and they tasted delicious. (yes, desserts! I went back twice in 5 days and tried total 4 desserts!!!...well, I did have a friend there to share the sweets with.). I think the fact that you can see the chef making the dessert actually made the sweet tastes better.
Website: http://www.chikalicious.com/
Featured On: The Best Thing I Ever Ate - "Better Than Mine"
If you are interested in dessert salon (dessert bar), this is a place you have to try in NYC. After having some crazy awesome experience at Toshi Yoroizuka's dessert salon in Japan, I found myself loving this kind of dining experience. At that time, Chef. Yoroizuka was there making my desserts and they tasted delicious. (yes, desserts! I went back twice in 5 days and tried total 4 desserts!!!...well, I did have a friend there to share the sweets with.). I think the fact that you can see the chef making the dessert actually made the sweet tastes better.
2012年3月12日 星期一
[紐約拉麵] Ippudo -- Japanese Ramen Noodle
Address: 65 4th Ave, New York, NY
Website: http://ippudony.com
This is one of the most popular Japanese Ramen places in NYC. You probably will have to wait whenever you come for a bit. RCSIII and I came here together a week before he left for Taiwan, and he loved it.
Website: http://ippudony.com
This is one of the most popular Japanese Ramen places in NYC. You probably will have to wait whenever you come for a bit. RCSIII and I came here together a week before he left for Taiwan, and he loved it.
Luke's Lobster -- NYC upper east side location 肥美龍蝦捲
Address:242 E. 81st Street, NYC
Website: http://www.lukeslobster.com/ues/
Hum...What's going on with my nicolicious life recently?
Website: http://www.lukeslobster.com/ues/
Hum...What's going on with my nicolicious life recently?
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