We need to thank way too many people for making our dreamed honeymoon came true! We got to experience Business First class on all flights, have money to spent and places to stay. I will not list everyone's name here, but we are truly truly appreciated all of you!
Let's start with our flight to Paris! We had welcome champagne from the moment we sat down, then when we are up in the air, we had endless wine, nuts, bread, salmon appetizer, salad, steak entree (choose from 4 options), cheese cart and ice cream cart! It prepared us well for our about-to-start French dining experience! We were so satisfied! After many glasses of champagne and wine, we then lie flat to get some rest!
It was very early when we arrived in the airport. After getting a map for the info desk, buying airport-Paris RER ticket & discount 10 trip carnet transportation tickets and a SIM card for my LG phone, we went for the train. The signs were easy to follow plus there weren't too many people in the early morning, thus, it wasn't too challenging. However, when I asked a local French women to confirm our train's destination, she also remind RCSIII to watch his bag and he should carry that in the front, not in the back. After that happened, we both were super careful during the whole trip since we thought even a local mentioned this, so the pickpocket situation must be very serious! We were glad that it didn't happen to us in this entire trip.
很快的我們就到達希爾頓拉都方斯了。電視兒童RCSIII在飛機上一直看電影幾乎都沒有睡覺,所以我們check in之後他就嚷著要睡一下覺。反正才早上七點多,所以我們到快中午前就在補眠和洗澡準備。拉都方斯是新規劃的商業區,很多高樓。但是地標還是拉都方斯凱旋門。因為我們午餐時間到了肚子很餓,所以就在地鐵站下車的地方買了PAUL的三明治,巧克力可頌以及一杯咖啡。買完我們就坐在新凱旋們的接梯上和其他上班族們一樣的一起享用午餐。
We got to Hilton La Defénse and checked in pretty quickly. Since the couch potato I am traveling with didn't get to sleep at all on the flight (maybe he watched 3-4 movies), he demand to sleep a bit before going out. Because it was not even 8AM yet, so we took a nap, showered and got ready again and left our hotel around noon. La Defénse is the business district, it has many tall office buildings and is about 30 min away from Paris. The landmark here is the gigantic La Defénse Grande Arche. We were a bit hungry by now and decided to just get a sandwich, pain au chocolat and coffee from PAUL by the station and sat down at the stairs of the Grande Arche, just like many other people.
Although it was a very simple lunch, but it was very satisfying. After we recharged, we went for the known-to-be dirty and stinky Paris subway to see Arc de Triomphe. As for the La Defénse Grande Arche, we waited until the last day we stayed in La Defénse to take pictures of and with it.
We could see the Arc on our way up on the escalator, and it got bigger and bigger! I was very excited! It felt like we are finally in Paris! Although it wasn't a sunny day, it did not affect our happy mood at all!
The Arc was located in a large isolated round about area with crazy traffic around it all the time. If you'd like to get closer to it, walk underneath it or climb up, you will need to take the underground passage. Although we walked all around it and found it was actually right next to us, it was worth it. We saw many other tourists try to just fight with the traffic but all ended up screaming and running back to where they were. It was pretty thrilled, actually.
Of course we stood in the middle of the road to take picture with Arc de Triomphe. This is known to be the best location for a picture with people in it and the Arc in the background. However, you really need to be fast while taking the picture as there are always a lot of people trying to do so while you are doing it. We do like this one a lot, thanks to the stranger who took it!
其實就是一個瑰麗的大門!不過也是殺了我們不少記憶體。這張是RCSIII照的,因為新舊凱旋門可以接香榭大道連成一線,所以這張可以看到我們剛剛吃午餐的La Defénse Grande Arche。
Arc de Triomphe is really just a magnificent big gate, but we did use up quiet a bit of memory card space here. RCSIII really likes this one as the two Arcs are on the same line along with Champs-élysées, thus, we can see the La Defénse Grande Arche in the far end of the photo.
在離凱旋門不遠處,我們就看到了Pierre Hermé 的馬卡龍。想說才第一天,所以就慢慢來,剛剛才吃飽,所以就只買一顆分食。
Not too far from the Arc, we found a Pierre Hermé. Since we thought it was just our first day and we just had lunch, we only bought one French macaron to share.
We then took a walk along the Champs-élysées. Our next destination is the Louis Vuitton on it. Oh, we were not going to spend so much money on our first day! We were going to another door of the LV building and took the LV elevator up to the top of the LV building to visit a gallery there. The gallery was free with exhibition changes regularly. Our personal favorite was the elevator! It's got a small surprise while you are riding it. If you happen to be in Paris, we highly recommend you to experience it on your own!
You can stand on the top of LV building, relax and enjoy the view of Champs-élysées!
We also spent some time by the LV windows after we got down. The dinosaur lover, RCSIII, loved it and we couldn't help but took pictures with each and every different kind of dinosaur. Not all LV window displays we saw were like this!
We kept taking a walk along the Champs-élysées and many smaller alleys next to it. We bought out dissent for after dinner time that we can enjoy it in the hotel room. Our first day in Paris didn't have any intense touristy schedule. We get to relax and adjust our jet lag. Personally, I just love how the French fix their trees. They are all tall and square! Love it love it!!!
We also found one of my favorite French macaron place in the US, Ladurée. However, somebody please tell me what was going on with all the animal print! Dislike!!! Since we already got tonight's dessert, I'll skip Ladurée for now!
Finally, it's almost 5 o'clock! Even though it is consider super early for dinner here, we really would like to sit down and enjoy a nice meal just two of us after the wedding and traveling. Since we were still new to the area, we picked this famous moules and frites chain restaurants from Belgium Brussels. The location we picked was right on Champs-élysées. This location is slightly more expensive than other locations, but for two tired travelers, this is a great choice for having dinner right on Champs-élysées. Although the waiters spoke English, I still tried my best to order in French (can't let all the French classes go to waist)!
點餐時因為有圖也有小小的英文,所以其實很容易。我們除了一人點了一份淡菜&薯條之外 (這裡的薯條是吃到飽的),也都個點了菜單上推薦搭配的啤酒。除此之外,也有很多比利時啤酒可以選擇。照片中那瓶是我的,水果味太重,我不愛。不過還是有和美國人一起努力喝完!飲品還有餐餐必備的餐前麵包很快就上了,而我們好像也突然就餓了一樣的開始大吃起麵包來。
It was easy to order with all the pictures and small English words in the menu. Beside we each ordered different kinds of moules and frites, we also ordered the recommended beer to go with it. Here, you can have unlimited fries. There were also many other Belgium beers that you can choose from. The bottle in the picture was mine. It had a very strong fruity after taste that I didn't like very much, but with RCSIII's help, we still finished it! The drinks and bread (you get this EVERYTIME you go to a restaurant) were served pretty quickly. We it was like magic that we all of sudden felt hungry and started to dig into the bread and beer.
Dinner was served quite fast. I ordered moules cooked in tomato, white wine, garlic. It also got 3 large prawns and many fresh squid pieces. It was served in a large pan.
RCSIII 點了以西洋芹,奶油,大蒜,白酒調味的淡菜。是一整鍋的上菜。
RCSIII ordered moules cooked in celery, butter, garlic and white wine. It was served in a pot!
Of course you need catchup with your fries! Although I didn't use mush, and didn't eat much fries, the American I was with really knows his catchup! He kept saying "Oh! Not the same! It's not the same!"
We took a picture right before we started to eat! Look how much food we got!
Then, let's compare with a picture took right after we finished! We finished EVERYTHING!
今天的甜點是la maison du chocolat的巧可力和甜點。買的時候店員還大方給試吃兩大塊。今天的甜點是包著黑巧克力皮的烤布雷。內有脆脆榛果喔。巧克力部分也都是黑巧克力,其中一塊是100%,但是有店員拍胸脯保證他們的甘納許內餡保證讓你吃的很舒服。所以買了,而且很好吃!
Tonight's dessert was from la maison du chocolat! We bought their dark chocolate cream crulee pastry with crunchy nuts in it plus three dark chocolate pieces. One of the pieces was 100% cocoa! Since the clerk we worked with promised that the ganache in the center will make it taste really good, not just bitter and sour, so we ended up took one home. And we loved it! She even gave us 2 whole dark chocolate pieces as samples in the store! Lucky!
Everything was great today besides RCSIII got fined in the subway station. I was really depressed for a while, because of the money and also felt a bit disappointed at Paris. But it was just the first day! It took me awhile to forget about it. After all, we should try to create happy memories!
晚安! 明天我們要去漢斯喝香檳!
Good night! We are going to Reims and enjoy some Champagne tomorrow!